terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Crowfunding Film Project for "The Rapture" ("Êxtase")

This is my Crowfunding Film Project.
I've already posted the video of it on this blog. You can Share with your friends and Pass on the message/blog or the Crowfunding project's film link. I'm also on Facebook or on Lindedin and can answer to your questions and keep you updated.
Please contribute, collaborate, be envolved and share this cinema-film  experience about the last dark days of Europe in 100 years from now.

What will be of the Post-Modern man? What will be our future?
Let me take you on an VISIONARY trip into John's life, dark instable reality and changing world...
... If you're concerned and can relate to the hard world and extreme austerity we live in already, let me show you what may happen to this Europe in colapse and breaking down...
through John's eyes and hard struggle.

Thanks For your SUPPORT! Crowfunding link: http://www.sponsume.com/project/rapture

sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013

The Rapture- Film Project

This is my Film Project and Film Crowfunding video that you can share with your friends and contacts to contribute to the divulgation and concretization of this Film.